Friday, October 19, 2007

Summer Experience Essay

My world is spinning and I see nothing but a blur of hazing lights and jeering faces. My fear of heights obstructs all clarity from view. I feel as though I have no way out-like I’m screaming in this crowded place and no one cares enough to look up. I show the ticket master my wrist and he opens the gate for me. He can smell my fear. I warily advance to the suspended seat. Once I’m sitting, he locks me in. He sneers at me. “Good luck.”
I feel the world fall out from beneath me. I think I’m moving, but I’m not sure because my eyes are shut tight. I feel a gentle breeze kiss my nose and I begin to wonder if everything is all right. But when I open my eyes, I’m not sure what to think. I’m a thousand feet up and I’m all alone. I can see the entire fair and even though I’m terrified, I’m amazed. Somehow, I can’t shut my eyes. I could see all of the lights and people that before I was so afraid of. I don’t understand it, but some how looking upon the whole site rather than from just one point brought clarity to it. The music, the sights, the people-somehow they all came together now ant I wasn’t so scared. I didn’t feel so high up any more. I now feel as if I’m flying. I feel like I’m independent and nothing can bring me down.
The ride comes to an abrupt stop. The ticket master’s eyes have softened. He lets me off. “Thank you,” I said to him. I run up to my family.
My mother laughs. “Emily, you’re beaming,” she said, her British accent thick. Good, I think, I should be. I took an important risk and for the first time I didn’t let my fear of heights stop me from flying.


emily yo! :D said...

I wrote this essay about riding a ferris wheel for the first time this summer. I lost a bet with my brother, so I sort of had to ride it, or he'd beat me up.... not even joking....

horse@hrt/Marlee said...

way 2 go emily! u really sucked up the courage 2 ride a ferris wheel! cool