Monday, February 25, 2008


H is for Hellish
I is for Insane
L is for Leaving America if she wins
L is for Lowering tradition
A is for America's Anti-Christ
R is for Really? Why bother?
Y is for You vote for her, you are a moron


O is for Obviously Liberal
B is for Being Stupid
A is for Abomination
M is for Moron
A is for Amazingly bad at making changes for the better


This Saturday I went off Island with my parents to see Juno. I loved it so much! The movie was super realistic. The main actress made her situation seem very realistic- more so than health class. At school, the mentality is pretty much if you have sex you get an STD and get pregnant and die, but there's more than that. I don't believe that you are damned if you get pregnant as a teenager, and there are alot of options for young girls besides abortion. Juno showed that. It was a realistic situation that most teenagers can identify with. I think the movie should have won best picture... it didn't... thats annoying....

Dear Jane

Dear Ms. Austen,

I know you are pretty much long gone, but I have so many questions I would like to ask you! How can a midddle class woman of no education who has never been married whrit the six most flawless, romantic novels of all time. When I read your books, I can identify with the heroin everytime. In Pride and Prejudice, I am like Lizzie in so many ways! I must admit, I hold grudges secretly, just like Elizabeth does for Darcy. In Mansfield Park, Fanny is in love with a close friend. I think that has happened to almost every girl EVER.

I also wish to have lived in the Victorian times and I want to be an author. Thank you for making way for other female authors to make their mark.

Emily Perkins


Like magnets I've tried to push together
Postive and negitive never, ever work. I don't know why this is.
Why can't they gert along, and be the friends so dear to my heart?
It isn't fair. They aren't monsters. They are rocks.
And I am just a girl stuck in a rut.


POTC Fanfic cuteness!

He was right. I don't want this. I want to know what freedom tastes like- what he tastes like. Why couldn' t I figure it out sooner? A lapse of judgement, I guess.

I opened his door quietly. I could hear his gentle breathing among the darkness as I approached him. I places a hand on his sculpted chest. "Jack!" I whispered. Nothing. I repeated my self-"Jack!" His eyes flutterd open. He smiled when he saw my face. He sat up stiffly and patted the spot in front of him inviting me to sit. I hopped on his bed as he lit a candle.

"What's on your mind, love?" ha asked, taking my hands into his. It was as if nothing had happened- as if I hadden't killed him.

"Oh, Jack. I've been so blind," I allowed a tear to roll down my cheek and he gently wiped it away. I knew I loved him. But every time he looked at me I melted. I coun't think, I couldn't breathe- but I could feel.

His eyes were wide with concern. Had he just forgotten? It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. He had to know.

"What are you doing to me, Jack Sparrow?" I wondered out loud. A suductive smirk blossomed on his lips.

"This," he whispered. He kissed me gently. I laughed benieth the kiss and we parted. "Now what's on you mind?" I snaked my hands up his shirt. Maybe I wasn't ready to tell him.

"Would you understand what I meant if I said I didn't love you?" He smiled as he kissed my neck gently.

"Every word, love."